About the book

The preparation of a soccer team evolves along the lines of one basic principle: ‘’Training is a copy of the real game’’. Almost all training moments are approached with the use of a ball, in an attempt to simulate match conditions.
From the first day, the ball is at the center of proceedings; its progress across the field influences players’ moves, reactions, and thoughts. Improvement in basic and special endurance, coordination, general speed, soccer-specific speed, agility, and even power are approached by using a ball. Technical and Small-Sided Games are designed and based on the formation and demands of the tactical approach. In all training sessions, technical, tactical, physical and psychological components (e.g., the four corner approach)  are included, as essential constituents.
In terms of structure and content, the first week is "introductory" and seeks to incorporate players into the team’s philosophy and coaching approach. The content gives players the opportunity to "get acquainted’’ with the programme and develop a willingness to work and exert effort. It has been designed, based on the premise that footballers have followed off season training program over the summer. The second and third weeks focus on improving basic strength-endurance. In turn, the first three weeks have a basic requirement to improve strength with core power exercises and multi-arc exercises, with and without the ball. The fourth and fifth weeks focus on special soccer endurance. From the 5th onwards, we train more specifically with regard to speed and speedpower (soccer power).
The sixth and seventh weeks take the form of a microcycle in a championship season, preparing and "shaping" the players for their championship matches. In all the training sessions, previous objectives are approached in relation to the tactics and the formation of the team. Consistent approaches to thinking, teaching, training, and implementation are provided every day.
A key element in the process – as something that will improve, evolve and give strength and impetus – is the importance given to the meaning of the words "TEAM" and ''FAMILY''. Players learn the power that everyone can give or add to the team, and how this power enables team members to become better and more efficient. "TEAM-FAMILY" is an essential objective with respect for relationships, the acceptance of idiosyncrasies, and a willingness to adapt to rules. Not as some kind of enforcement, but as a conscious need!

Special Comments

Based on players' goals and capabilities, my aim as a coach when I developed the program was to create a team that attempts to play fast aggressive football, which dominates on the pitch, and which presses the opposition a lot. For this reason, two formations were chosen and developed – a 1-4-2-3-1 and 1-4-3-3. A 1-4-4-2 diamond was also utilised sporadically. These formations combined mobility and created width. They were used to create spaces, and enable the participation of a good number of players in the final phase thanks to the exploitation of full-backs as an extra player in the play’s build-up. The use of set pieces, and the creation of shots, is elements that will be emphasized, due to the characteristics of the team’s players. In defense, my focus was on direct and constant pressure on the ball holder, the diagonal cover of teammates, the short distance between the players and the lines, and player communication; indeed, these, are the basic elements that we will work on. A lot of attention will be given to defensive marking in the static phases and the proper placement in penalty area when we make crosses from the side. Defensively and offensively, the team will try to exploit players' capabilities in 1: 1 scenarios, and we will aggressively try to bring the three players behind the No 9 into the penalty  area through combined mobility, and back and diagonal passes.
The sessions are daily, some are duplicated (weeks two to five), there is a friendly match every Saturday, and each Sunday offers a day off for rest.

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